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Service/Activity Requests

Please read carefully as we have recently updated our information to serve you better.

General Complaints

General complaints about the Town, the Town’s services and program, or individual Town Employees should be completed on the Complaint Form established within the Town’s Customer Service, Inquiries and Complaints Policy. Click on the link below to open a copy of this form in fillable/printable PDF format. If you require assistance, please contact 705-567-9361 Ext. 238.

Service/Activity Requests

A Service/Activity Request can be made to alert the Town of specific problems surroundings services, facilities and its programs. Requests are for non-emergencies such as:

  • Reporting a pothole
  • Missed garbage/recycling collection
  • Potential by-law infractions
  • Reporting litter, debris or similar
  • Streetlight not working
  • A Hazard
  • Equipment failure
  • Cleanliness of Facility

As online requests may only receive attention during regular business hours, you are invited to contact the appropriate Department/Division for assistance if there is an emerging concern. In the case of an after hours roads/works emerging issue please contact the Town's after hours line at 705-567-2552.

Alternative Format: Click on the link below to open a copy of this form in fillable/printable PDF format.
In person submissions of the Form should be directed to the Clerk’s Office, located at 3 Kirkland St. W. (Town Hall ) during regular business hours, or can be sent as an attachment by email to [email protected].
