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Bylaw Enforcement Services

Our By-law enforcement officer is responsible for enforcing all municipal by-laws, more notably the Parking By-law, Community Standards By-law, Snow By-laws and Zoning By-law.

Complaints relating to By-laws should be directed to 705-567-9365 to have an activity request created. Once a complaint is received, you may or may not be contacted for additional information. Information relating to the investigation and any subsequent ticketing is a confidential process.

Have a by-law enforcement complaint?

Process Diagram for Complaint

There is a 3 step process:

  1. Call 705-567-9365
  2. An Activity Request will be generated
  3. By-law Enforcement will be dispatched

Please DO NOT contact by-law enforcement directly

To view enforced by-laws, please visit the by-law database.