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Voter Information

Who Can Vote:

Any person who on Voting Day meets the following qualifications is eligible to vote:

  • Is a Canadian citizen;
  • Is at least 18 years old on Voting Day;
  • Resides in the Town of Kirkland Lake or is the owner, tenant, spouse or tenant of land;
  • Any person not prohibited by law from voting.

    Are YOU on the Voter's List:

    To see if you are on the list:

  • Visit the Library or Town Hall, 2nd Floor, or
  • Contact Katelyn at 705.567.9361 ext #221

If you are not listed, or if your information needs to be corrected, please complete the 'Application to Amend Voters' List' and bring to Town Hall with proof of identification qualifying you as an elector

Where do Students Vote:

Students who reside 'away from home' may vote in 2 places - as a non-resident elector within the municipality where they attend school and as a resident elector within the municipality where their family resides (their 'home').

How to Appoint a Proxy:

If you are unable to attend a voting place on any of the dates set for voting, you may appoint someone to act as your proxy. This allows you to appoint another eligible elector to cast your vote on your behalf.

To appoint a proxy you must obtain the prescribed form from the office of the Clerk. The person appointed must present the form signed by the elector appointing the proxy to the Clerk. The Clerk will then issue a certificate that must be presented at the voting place.

Proxy Form

What Form Of Identification Is Accepted:
